Reflect to Connect Challenge

Spontaneous Content Weekly Challenge

Our promise: If you meet this challenge, you are getting content done every week. That puts you ahead of most people.

Intellectually, we know our audience is there. When they watch our video, we know that we will be two or three feet from their face, talking directly to them. But when we are filming, we can’t see them and we can’t feel them. All we have to work with is the glassy, unblinking eye of the camera.

This is one of the biggest challenges in making video. 

Whether your video gets ten views or ten million, each of time someone presses play, they are an audience of one. To connect, you need to make them feel like you are talking only to them.

This week’s challenge will test how well you know your audience and help you learn how to talk to them like they’re the only person in the world.

These challenges are designed to unlock your creativity and actually making content. If you meet the challenge, I want to hear about it. Respond to this email and share a link!

Now let’s get into it…

The “Reflect to Connect” Challenge

  1. Go on your social media right now and find a post by or for your audience.

  2. Look at the comments on that post and find one problem, obstacle, hurdle that bubbles up in the comments and screen shot it.

  3. Read the problem. Think about what it feels like to have that problem. Use what you know about your audience to build a full picture in your mind of this commenter who has this problem. Imagine you know them personally.

  4. Write a sentence that describes the problem in your own words.

  5. Can you think of a story about someone else who had that problem? If so, jot down a phrase to remind you of the story.

  6. Now think about the advice you would give your friend the commenter to help them with this problem. Write the first three words or phrases that come to your mind about the problem.

  7. Now make the video that this challenge inspires you to make.

  8. Keep that commenter in your head while you’re brainstorming, writing, shooting, editing, and packaging the video.

  9. Make this video as if it were just for them.

REMEMBER: Your video may be seen by thousands or even millions of people, but each one of them is watching alone. Create for that one individual on the other side of the camera.

How did you do?

Did you hit some roadblocks? That’s expected. 

Did you fight through and complete the challenge anyway? If so, that’s a big win. You’re well on your way. Try the next challenge. 

If you got hung up and didn’t finish, be kind to yourself. Recognize that making the attempt is a step towards completion. 

Then challenge yourself to complete the next one. Even if it’s half-assed, that’s a half-an-ass more than you started with.

If you want to learn more about how being spontaneous can make you more productive in your content and your business, respond to this email and we’ll hook you up.

Until next week, be spontaneous.

Best, ae